Love Nest
The most vital right is the right to love and be loved.
— Emma Goldman
Our home state of Washington became the seventh state to legalize same-sex marriage, but opponents forced a voter referendum to decide the issue on the 2012 ballot. To help sort through the anarchy of dissenting opinions and angry words around us, we quoted a bona fide anarchist for our 15th broadside. It turns out that despite her outlandish creeds and fierce opinions, Emma’s quote cuts straight to the heart of the matter. To pay homage to her words, we turned to Eastern European folk art for inspiration. In honor of the diversity nested in every family, “Love Nest” is dominated by a lively brood of matryoshka dolls.
You can learn more about this piece on our blog.
Year created
At issue
Marriage equality, and families of every shape and color
Edition size
126 prints
Significance of edition number
Number of years (at the time of printing) since the Chicago Haymarket Riot that inspired Goldman’s work
A portion of the proceeds were donated to Tacoma Rainbow Center and Oasis Youth Center, in support of LGBT families and teens.