Keep the Change
The one thing you’ve got going: your one vote.
— Shirley Chisholm
We created our 16th broadside in honor of the 2012 election—which also marked the 4th anniversary of our series. We used bright period colors as an homage to Shirley’s 1972 Presidential campaign, as well as her own impeccable style and substance.
Besides being the first serious female Presidential candidate, Shirley Chisholm was also the first African-American woman elected to Congress. She represented New York’s 12th Congressional District—one of the areas hardest hit by Hurricane Sandy. So to help continue Shirley’s long-term service to her home city, we donated a portion of our proceeds to Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration, in recognition of the importance of serving a community long after the disaster relief efforts have ended.
You can learn more about this piece on our blog.
Year created
At issue
The 2012 Presidential election
The power of the vote
Neighborhood solidarity in the wake of Hurricane Sandy
Edition size
152 prints
Significance of edition number
The number of delegates Chisholm won during the 1972 Presidential primaries
The title, “Keep the Change,” is a reference to President Obama’s 2008 election slogan, “Change We Can Believe In.” As supporters of his reelection campaign, we wanted to help keep progressing along with his vision for our country.
A portion of the proceeds were donated to Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration, in support of Chisholm’s home district.